Tip 5: Achieving Success Everyday

Building Relationships When you meet a potential client, what do you do with the information you have gathered? Do you put them into your database to receive alerts? Add the key contacts to your buyer and seller hit lists? Take note of their…

Tip 4: Achieving Success Everyday

Finding your weak points Not every transaction is all highs, there will always be a couple of lows throughout the process. While some are happy with the transaction just being complete, the successful agents want to know what the low points…

6 Tips To Help You Sell Faster

Finding a property to sell is the easy bit, right? Finding the right buyer and selling it for the desired price is where it gets tricky. Many agents let the market take over, which can result in the property remaining on the market longer…

Tip 3: Achieving Success Everyday

Focus on your Objective Majority of agents are worried about competition and always wondering what everyone else is doing and only thinking about prospecting. The ones that are crushing it are the ones who aren’t thinking of the competition…

How Much Is Quality Real Estate Marketing?

When it comes to real estate marketing, investing more increases your number of ‘qualified’ buyers to your property in the shortest period to achieve the highest sale price. While there is a extensive list of marketing options you can do,…

Tip 2: Achieving Success Everyday

Work in the moment The success of a real estate agent is determined in the moment, working one day at a time. Which is why setting yourself a daily goal is so important and helps you keep reaching your listing targets. Have a goal of 3…

What Do Great Selling Campaigns Have In Common?

When it comes to selling, a real estate agent should clearly and precisely explain all property campaign options available to the vendor. As the real estate agent, you should work collaborative with the vendors to understand what is best…

Tip 1: Achieving Success Everyday

How to avoid wasting your time Everyday we want to leave work knowing it wasn’t a complete waste of time, I don’t need to explain why sitting there, twiddling your thumbs isn’t going to help. Which is why having a routine, to-do list…

How To Increase Rent Profit

Getting the maximum return on investment (ROI) for rental properties is the best way to obtain repeat and referred business. Understanding what can bring a maximum ROI can be the selling point that a Real Estate Agent needs to convince a buyer.…

How To Maintain Positive Relationships With Your Vendors

Here’s the hottest 7 tips to ensure the relationship between you and the vendor remains a positive one. Trust: Remember trust is a two-way street, if you trust your vendor, they’ll likely trust you. Work on allowing trust to remain…

Tip 5: Business Marketing Basics

Welcome to the final tip of this series. It is the simplest tip, but it’s easily the most important. Tip 5: Correct Grammar and Punctuation As a result of the growth of social media and digital communication, we now primarily communicate…

When Is The Best Time Of Year To Sell?

There’s some general rules about when is the best time of year to sell. It obviously depends on the location and property type but knowing what time of year is best to list your vendor’s property will help you achieve a better result. By…

Tip 4: Business Marketing Basics

So far, we have looked at what to send (Tip 1: Create A Blog), when to send it (Tip 2: Schedule your marketing) and how to send it (Tip 3: Use an Emailing Services and Templates). But there is no point to all of this unless you know whom to…

Augmented Reality to Change Real Estate

We have already seen the rapid development of Augmented Reality (AR) in recent years with Pokémon Go going viral and Android phones being sold with their own Virtual Reality (VR) headsets. While this is great for the development of digital…

Tip 3: Business Marketing Basics

Last week we talked about scheduling your articles and sending them out via email. Now it’s a bit tiresome to send out emails to a person at a time out of your outlook or browser; they also don’t look exciting to read. Tip 3: Use an Emailing…

Dream Home or Dream Suburb?

A recent study of 1000 people nationwide has shown that 54% of Australians see that location isn’t everything. They are looking at broadening their search and viewing suburbs outside of their wish list for the perfect home. However, 26%…