Do Your Listed Properties Need More Buyers?
Enhancing a listed property to look and feel like a home will attract greater buyer competition and ultimately push the price of the property up. So, how do you position a property in a way that will appeal to more buyers?
Focus on quality
If your sellers are planning on enhancing the property before it goes on the market, ensure they invest in quality products or services. Whether it be the need to repair the leaking tap, lay new carpet, or harvest the grass to ensure it grows evenly, recommend they use the best person for the job. Buyers are becoming increasingly discerning when it comes to the standard of the property.
Connect it up
We now live in a well-connected world. From Facetime to Facebook, buyers are expecting homes to be connected with some form of electronic automation. This could mean electronic garage doors, well-connected internet, or simply the latest kitchen appliances. This will not only attract buyers to the property now, but will hold its value for new owners in 5-10 years’ time.
Avoid big statements
The bold feature wall or eye-catching façade might look good to you, but will it appeal to a wide array of buyers? Major design statements often date quickly, leaving your buyers hesitant to purchase a property with out-of-the-ordinary features. Encourage your sellers to keep the style of the property modern without making it to polarising.